Vote on Tuesday, November 2!

Meet the Candidates
Committeeman Mike Templeton

For the last fifteen years I have served you on Township Committee. I use that experience and my skill set as a professional pilot and U.S. military veteran to meet each challenge. 

I don’t jump at claims by developers or businesses offering unsubstantiated benefits or wishful tax windfalls. I do research and make decisions based on facts gleaned from previous projects.   Instead, I focus on municipal financial stability and efficiency -- critical in planning for the future and meeting unexpected needs. 

I am vocal about broader educational opportunities for all Delanco's students. I advocate for Delanco school funding in my every contact with county, state, and federal officials. 

I take the future of Delanco seriously.  Our beautiful waterfront could become a threat to our town as flooding becomes more frequent. I completed certification as a Floodplain Manager (CFM) so that I can help make solid choices to protect our town. Hardening the township-owned sea walls is just a first step. Preserving the Dunes as a natural buffer is a second. 

Supporting all of you who make Delanco a great place to live is my job -- and my reason for serving on Township Committee.

Michelle Carlos

     I have Lived in Burlington County 32 years, Delanco 4 years. A single mom, employed as a mixologist at a popular establishment in Marlton. Currently attending RCBC for a Psychology degree, taking a semester off to concentrate on the residents of Delanco and now study government services. 
     I love Delanco. The location, recreation, parks, schools, and friendly people. The small town has big advantages. In the primary as a write-in candidate, I saw an opportunity to represent Delanco and stepped up to serve my hometown. It would be an honor if elected. 
     What affects you affects me, trash pickup, storm damage, security, schools, and recreation.
     Veterans and Service persons deserve our respect and support, Senior Citizens and Disabled persons need assistance. I will work to support good legislation for all. 
     I will work hard for the residents, to support a life that’s safe, healthy, and satisfying for us all. 

     In today's difficult environment and COVID we've had a stressful long time to deal with. We cannot afford to let our beliefs of union, justice and tranquility go awry and unprotected. 

     My goal for Delanco residents is to provide the general welfare and to secure the right of liberty to ourselves while promoting the ability for posterity. We can do this together.  

     We the people, is where it begins and ends. If elected, I will be there for you. I will listen to you. Together, we will continue to make Delanco a great place to live.

     I ask for your VOTE, it would be an honor to serve you while working with you to create the best possible life for us all.


Most Respectfully, Michelle Carlos

More on businesses paying their fair share: 

 Are PILOT Programs the answer?
by Mike Templeton




Vote on Tuesday, November 2!


Note From a Scientist on Global Warming
by Ed Devinney

 As a scientist, I am deeply concerned about the future of our species on Earth; the facts I read in peer-reviewed journals and scientific articles are very disturbing.   Global Warming is not a "Chinese hoax" or means to riches for academic scientists.  Global Warming presents the greatest challenge that humanity has ever faced.  

ADDED 16 May 2018:  The Trump administration has terminated NASA's program of monitoring CO2.  It's one thing to argue the science (even if it is overwhelminly evident that global warming is upon us), but to cut out a key program that gives us important basic data to figure out what's happening is reprehensible.  To me, it qualifies as a crime against humanity.                        


President - But not Presidential
by Ed Devinney

Donald Trump continues to demonstrate that he completely lacks the temperament for the office of president, has no interest in the niceties of the constitution, the rule of law, journalistic free speech, or even how government works. 

Trump has advanced no realistic policies – starting from the magical thinking: “Mexico will pay for the wall"; we'll have the greatest healthcare on Day 1 when I arrive in office; "I am an extremely stable genius".  He does not “believe” in global warming, demeans NATO, praises Mr. Putin (who “is not going into Crimea”), and demeans women, minorities, immigrants and the disabled.  His facts-free message is basically how terrible (“disgusting”) the country is now.  Trump’s “making America great” is to be accomplished via trickle down economy, a tax system that punishes the middle class and further reward the rich.  Meanwhile, the base that elected him has seen no improvement in their living standard.

Donald Trump’s whole life demonstrates a devotion to money over and above all other values, and reveals a person with no empathy for anyone but himself.  

But as a person who admires dictators, who has expressed adminration for "president for life", who has warned that his supporters could "demand" that he not leave the White House even if he looses the 2020 election, he has made himself a clear danger to our democracy.  This is happening all while he condones racism, declares support for "populist" actors abroad, denigrates our allies and alliances - while injecting himself into their internal politics,  And it is going on in plain sight.  It is not the way things should be.

Presidents should be "presidential".  They should represent the whole county.  They should have coherent ideas of policy, domestic and foreign.  They should not create policy by tweet. They should have attention spans longer than two minutes and actually think about things. They should listen to competent advisors.  They should be strong on encouragement, not on bullying and vituperation.  They should not excuse or pardon racists.  They should not see the world as "deals".   They should like human beings other than themselves.  Or -  is all this too much to ask?


  Courtesy Jan Cohen

“Participating in a democracy means more than simply insisting, over and over again, in as loud and arrogant a voice as possible, in as many venues as your money will allow, what it is that you want.  It means listening, it means convincing, it means compromising — all those things that political parties and their leaders used to be fairly good at.” 

"The Outsourced Party”, March 24, 2012, New York Times,by Kevin Baker


         Like to participate?    Please click for more information.

         Stop by our monthly meeting, or email Judy Janas at  
         or leave a message at 

   Support the JFK DEms: 
Financial  Jay Cohen, Treasurer ~ Delanco Democrats ~ P.O. Box 5035 ~ Delanco NJ  08075
                        Please make checks payable to Delanco Democrats.  Thank you!
                        Questions/comments?    Email

Useful links:    NJ Senate/Assembly Reps · Burlington County

                         Delanco Township · Newton's Landing Website

Comments or questions on this website:  Paid for by Delanco Democrats, POBox 5035, Delanco NJ 08075